How to grow your natural hair?
While some people never have to bother about hair growth because their hair just grows at an admirable speed, some other people struggle with poor hair growth, making it seem like they somehow missed out on the gene for good hair. But that’s really not the case. If you’re trying to grow your natural hair, get in here!
Use the right natural hair products
There are so many products out there claiming to support hair growth, but don’t be quick to choose and use the first one you lay your hands on. You need to consider your hair type and texture before choosing a product because most of the best products are tailored according to hair type.
So, whether you have curly or straight hair, or high or low porosity hair, choose the product that’s designed for your hair type. Build a hair care routine using the products you buy for your hair, beginning with shampoo, conditioner, hair mask, heat protection spray, and the like.

Co-Wash Regularly
If you’re not familiar with the term, co-washing means washing your hair with conditioner. Co-washing is advised for several hair types, especially fragile, dry hair, type 4 kinky hair, or any other hair type that needs more hydration than usual.
While some people skip shampoo completely during co-washing, you can look for a shampoo that doesn’t lather or dry out your hair when you use it. You should use lots of conditioners and very little shampoo if you have to.
Some people co-wash daily or every two days, and that would be necessary if your hair is extremely dry and suffering breakage.

Trim your hair regularly
You probably don’t want to trim your hair because you feel it’s already short and you don’t want to lose some more length, especially because it really doesn’t make your hair grow longer.
However, when your hair is broken, damaged, or split at the ends, it affects the entire health of your hair. This is where trimming comes in; it helps you to remove the sick part of your hair so that the healthy ones can thrive.
It is also important to consider the fact that your weak and split ends could travel upwards and damage more of your hair when you don’t cut them off.
It is a good idea to trim your hair every 12 weeks, especially if you’re dealing with
weak ends.

Wear Protective Hairstyles
When trying to grow your natural hair, you shouldn’t have it out in the open too often because you would be exposing it to environmental damage and stress from daily styling and manipulation.
So, ensure to have it in protective styles once you have washed and treated it. Braid is the most common protective style that supports the growth of your natural hair. However, you must be careful to avoid tight braids that can cause more harm to your hair. Twists are also another option for you.

Use the L.O.C. method
The LOC method includes leave-in conditioner, oil, and cream as a combination that offers protection and hydration to your hair. This combination ensures that both your scalp and hair are well moisturized.
You can buy a leave-in-conditioner for all hair types or your specific hair type. You can also purchase oils like avocado, castor, jojoba, or lanolin oil to seal moisture into your hair. There are also several healthy creams for your hair, which should be applied frequently.
Final thoughts
These are just a few of the ways to grow your natural hair. You should also observe some practices like sleeping with a satin bonnet or pillowcase, massaging your scalp often, drinking lots of water, and eating healthy meals.
While working on the growth of your natural hair and you need a quick fix, you can always leverage hair extensions similar to your hair color and type to offer a temporary solution when you have an event or want to style your hair in a way that the current length won’t support.
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