Will Hair Extensions Work With Short Hair in 2022? – Azul Hair Collection

Will Hair Extensions Work With Short Hair in 2022?

Extensions with short hair


The Answer is Yes, of Course!

However, there are a couple elements that you need to keep in mind when you are using weave hair, halo hair extensions, tape in extensions or clip in hair in hair extensions.
I have created a easy self consulting guide for you below. Just follow these steps and you should be very satisfied with your new longer locks.

Disclaimer: If you have less than an inch of hair AND you have VERY thin hair I would not suggest using any other hair extensions other and a lace front hair wigs. This will allow you to monitor your hair growth and use supplements such as Hairfinity to gain hair growth and thickness.

Know Your Hair Texture - Numbers Don’t Lie

Now, this one is VERY important! Also, you need to be realistic about the natural behavior of your hair and hair color. What I mean by that is, when you wash your hair and it ‘air drys’ what is the texture of your hair at that stage with no chemical or heat on it?
Next, take a look at this chart below and note which texture is your hair in its natural state:

hair extension texture chairt

I know the beauty of hair extensions is to get looks that you naturally may not have. However, you need to understand the behavior of your natural hair texture. If you are a 4C and purchase hair that is 2A. You are going to probably need to use a straightening chemical and constant heat on your hair to get a natural look. There is nothing wrong with that but are you sure that is the maintenance that you want o give to your hair?
Likewise, if you are a 3C and purchase a 4C texture hair extension. More than likely you are going to have you a lot of product to get that ‘perfect blend’. It really boils down to maintenance and what you are willing to do.
My suggestion is to find hair extensions that are closest to the natural state of your hair. If you are purchasing quality hair extensions you should be able to curl and straighten that hair as you wish.
This step is important if you have less than 5 inches of hair especially!

Know Your Hair Color Number

So, when you have less than 5 inches of hair and you desire to use extensions, it is important that you match your hair color to the extension you purchase as BEST as possible. This factoid will save you that embarrassing grief of when you step into the sun and everyone is staring at your head realizing you have a weave.
The goal should be with short hair is to be as seamless as possible. We just spoke of hair texture but color is just as important.
My suggestion, is if you hair has several different tone in it. For example, you hair is not a flat black or brown. I would die your hair a easy color to match with hair extension.
In the hair extension world, they use color numbers in manufacturing extensions instead of color names such as 613 (which means blonde). Here is a color chart you can check out to see what your natural hair color is.  If you are desiring hair extensions of a different color, use this chart to choose and shop for your hair extensions with that number. For example, I want to long natural black hair extensions. I want to make sure my reddish brown hair (which is a 4b) is dyed closer to a 1B color (which is a natural black according to the picture.


hair color chart

The Length You Want Versus The Length You Need

Great! Now you have your hair texture and color code nailed down. Let’s talk about the length that you versus what you should use.
I have created this buying chart for the length of your hair

Your Natural Hair Length

Recommended Max Length

3 to 5 Inches

No longer than 12 inches

5 to 8 Inches

No longer than 24 inches

8 inches +

You can have whatever length you want


I apologize, if this chart is disappointing for you some of my short haired readers. However, I am giving you the truth so you can achieve a natural look. You can always push the limits but you may not get the results that you were hoping for. My goal with this self consultation is for you to gain length and have it look so natural.
Now, I know you are asking yourself, what does it look like if I go longer than what is suggested on this chart? Well, I have borrowed some pics from the internet that will give you an idea.
My Girl Brittany Spears, I know she had a rough go of it but after she shaved her head and was in the process of growing her hair out she started using bead extensions or tape hair extensions.  However, the extensions were WAY to long for her short yet growing hair.
Take a look:

brittany spears hair extensions fail

Brittany is wearing probably close to 24 to 28 Inches in length hair. The color and texture match is PERFECT however, the length was too much for her natural length.
To keep this from happening to you, follow the chart above and if you REALLY just gotta have that length. I would suggest a lace wig. 


Let’s Go Shopping

We have the following nailed down:
  1. You know you natural hair texture

  2. You know your hair color and you have dyed your hair the color of the extensions you want to buy.

  3. You have chosen your length in accordance to the chart above

Now, the fun and exploratory part!
There are TONS of hair extension lines out there. It is hard to choose but at the end of the day they really all sell similar products. I would suggest that you focus more on a company that is reputable. You know, the company that has great details listed about the hair and tons of pictures. Also, check the reviews as well. I wrote an article recently regarding how to buy good hair extension online. I suggest you read it for more detailed buying tips.
I know it is convenient to go to your local beauty supply store to purchase your hair because you can touch and feel it. But, I have to tell you, the hair extensions to find in the beauty supply stores are not the best in quality. Many of those products use a lot of chemical in them and after one wash the hair tangles or the color starts to fade.
Buying hair online is a really good option! Many of the online companies offer free and quick shipping.
There are a lot of really cute names for the different texture of hair. Such as Mink, Brazilian, Indian, Remy, Virgin, Malaysian...the list goes on. Don’t be fooled by this. Want you want to do is look at the pictures of the hair and choose the one that closest matches the texture of your natural hair. Preferably, that matches the natural texture of your hair in it’s natural state (less maintenance).
Next, you need to decide the method by which you are going to install your hair extensions.
The easiest DIY is clip in hair extensions. However, if you want something that is more permanent you could choose wefted hair. Also, known as hair bundles. Bundled hair is installed most commonly with a hair glue or sewn in. I highly recommend you consult with a beautician on their pricing for installation or if you want to try this yourself, Youtube is a great learning tool as well.
Now for my short hair girls, either clip in hair or bundle hair would work. If you want a lot of flexibility in your styling options. I would suggest clip in hair extension.  Super easy and it allows you to blend your natural hair very easily. Also, it allows you to care for your growing short hair.
Doing an easy Google search using keyword hair extensions will give you several online stores to choose from.

Tip: For my ethnic women, highly suggest you stick with Brazilian Hair. The texture match is on point and it is some great hair to go from something wavy or curly to something that is straight.

Lastly, I know everyone is concerned about pricing. You have some companies selling hair extensions for as little as $30 and some as high as $400. I will put it this way. You Get What You Pay For!
I am not saying go and spend a car payment on hair but I am very weary about hair companies that sell hair for so cheap. It just doesn’t add up. I believe there is great hear out there for everyone. You just need to have a glass a wine and shop a little to find what you are looking for.

You Ready For Hair Extensions

Okay readers, you now are armed with what the professionals use as there rules  for clients gaining their best look. Get out there and try something!
If you felt like I missed something in this self guided hair extensions consultation or if you have questions. Feel free to inbox me at info@azulhaircollection.com. I am here to help!
Enjoy your day!
Until Next Time…


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